Our servicing include:
• Transporting children
• Transporting of adults
• Supported sessions
• Supervised sessions
• Meeting room hire
• Handover service
• Letter box service
• Community sessions for supported & supervised
• Venue full day sessions (for weddings and other full day events)
• Assessment day sessions including a full written report for court.
Communication services between parties - depending on terms of orders
Download your referral forms here simply click on the black button
Our Handover services enables the safe handover of children from Residential adult to Non Residential adult. With a team member exchanging the child from one to the other, this ensures that the parties do not meet during this service.
The basic elements of supported contact are:
● Impartiality.
● Staff and volunteers are available for assistance but there is no close observation, monitoring or evaluation of
individual contacts/conversations.
● Several families are usually together in one or a number of rooms.
● Encouragement for families to develop mutual trust and consider more satisfactory family venues.
● Apart from attendance dates and times, no detailed report will be made to a referrer. However please ask our team about our review process.
The basic elements of supervised contact are:
● Impartiality
● Contact supervisors supervise & record the session using observation, monitoring interactions, responses to
other in the session & conversations
● One family per room for each supervised session
● Reports are made for the referrer.
● Review agreements are in place to where possible move the contact forward.